Why the Cowboy?

Nov 7, 2024

So, you might've noticed I had this cowboy caricature all over this blog, and webpage.

You probably (don't) want to know the origins of him, but I still feel like writing about it, because I find it's importance to me to be valid enough for a blogpost.

I kept this post privated for a while because I had to really think about why I made him (the cowboy), but I think I have enough reasons as to his creation.

First and foremost, What is a Cowboy?:

Well historically, they were cattlemen, mostly just working-class people in the 19th century who worked on a ranch. However, their image changed through cinema. The silver screen was where the cowboy became a symbol of vigilantism— the legendary gunslingers who challenged outlaws, and heathens.

My inspiration for the profile picture came from that Hollywood concept— much like my aspiration to become a penetration tester stems from media like the movie Hackers (1996).

But why a cowboy?:

Well Cowboys according to their Hollywood mythos contain the following attributes:

  • Hunts outlaws with the same tools the outlaws use.

  • Takes up bounties, challenges, anything to help them get-by.

What do I do? (Outside of my professional line of work):

  • Hunt outlaws through digital means, and submit any reports over to law enforcement.

  • Take on bug bounties on the occasion.

So the cowboy best represents me, at least I'd like to think it does.

So why did you make it?:

Simply because I needed a Twitter profile pic that was iconic. Sure, the photo is low-effort and low-quality, but it's iconic. It's a simple branding tactic: "A stick figure cowboy? I know exactly who that is".

Sure, it's not as "professional" as some people would like it to be, but as a hacker, you always have to challenge the system. Thinking in-line to a systematic approach to things won't get you anywhere. I have a rebellious personality type, that means I constantly challenge the status-quo lest I be bound by it. Critical thinking requires that line of thinking: you can't freely form ideas or concepts if you can't challenge those in-place.