[ Merci-Libre ]
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CLI-tool to generate extremely strong passwords using random number generation. Designed for backend usage, or personal use. Rewritten in Rust for increased memory safety, and ease of development. Read the blog post here.
A rewrite of the original Genpass-CLI tool in Rust. Allows for the generation of special characters and adds a cleaner look using the CLAP library.
While it uses a CSPRNG, it is only 1% stronger than the original Gordian Knot algorithm, with a total increase of 4-5% CPU usage. The benefit of it being written in Rust is the increased memory safety of the program, and a totally refactored string generation algorithm.
However, with the addition of being able to generate special characters, it has increased functionality— as well as increased password strength. When I was benchmarking Genpass-rs, I discovered it was actually stronger than KeePassXC at generating passwords with the extended ascii character set.
This only seemed to prove true when the length was <= 127, which extends my curiousity into why higher char count breaks entropy in genpass-rs.
Since genpass-rs includes modules of code rather than including the whole project inside of one file, you can use stringgeneration.rs to extract the functionality of GenPass into whatever project you are working on. There are more details on the project's github page as to function parameters, and return types.